Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Favela Painting

The Dutch artist duo Haas&Hahn, creators of the Favela Painting Project, have ended up in the third stage of their amazing project called ‘O Morro’.
This project involves employing the inhabitants of a favela to paint their own houses according to a pre-arranged pattern. It will turn their community into an artwork of epic scale and will produce an explosion of color. Visible from the center of Rio, ‘O Morro’ will draw attention to the city’s bleak social situation.

Haas&Hahn came up with the idea of creating community-driven art interventions in Brazil, which became the Favela Painting Project in 2006.  Their efforts yielded two murals which were painted in Vila Cruzeiro, Rio’s most notorious slum, in collaboration with local youth. The artworks received worldwide coverage and have become points of pride in the community and throughout Rio.

Donations can be made to support the ‘O Morro’ project!